March 24 – Our Lady of the Thorn (Châlons-sur-Marne, France, 1400) - Saint Catherine of Sweden (d. 1381)

What if you don’t like to pray the Rosary?

So, you’re Catholic and you don’t like to pray the Rosary? It’s not blasphemous and much more common than you might think. Does that mean you shouldn’t pray it at all? Heavens no!

So much good comes from praying the Holy Rosary. Even if you don’t like it, you should try to incorporate it into your prayer time. Although you might not feel things happening when you pray, be assured that blessings and graces will be poured out upon you each time you pray the Holy Rosary. 

Ask the saints for help. Many of them also struggled to pray the Rosary. 

"In vain do I strive to meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary. I am unable to fix my attention. For a long time, I was sad because of this lack of devotion, which surprised me, for I love the Blessed Virgin so much that it should be easy for me to say in her honor prayers so pleasing to her. Now, it saddens me less, because I think that the Queen of Heaven, being my Mother, she must see my goodwill and be very content with it."

— Saint Therese of Lisieux

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