March 10 – Our Lady of Miracles (Bari, Italy, 1576)

I overcame great trials thanks to Mary

I am Catholic, and the quest for the spiritual is essential to me. On May 30, 1976, five miners assaulted me with a crowbar, for no reason, like in the movie A Clockwork Orange. That day was a turning point in my life.

On the verge of death, paralyzed for two years, my eyes riveted on hospital ceilings, without knowing if I would ever walk again, I made two promises to myself: to never again turn away from what is essential and to find joy in life, every day of my life, and to express gratitude every day.

I chose "anti-revenge" therapy, that is, I decided not to sue my attackers but instead forgive them. I overcame these trials thanks to the Virgin Mary. I know she saved me. She protected me. I pray to her every day and this song is constantly on my lips: "In my home, be Queen."

Adapted from: Olivier Rœllinger (1)

1) A fervent Catholic, famous Michelin-starred chef Olivier Rœllinger, from Cancale (Brittany, France), just published a book in favor of “eating well for all,” common sense and fraternal solidarity.

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