July 3 - Saint Thomas the Apostle – The Three Holy Kings, or Wise Men (Cologne, Germany) – Marpingen apparitions (Saarland, Germany, from July 3, 1876 -September 3, 1877, investigation ongoing)

The sadness of not being able to turn to the Blessed Virgin

Some Slovak Protestant authors have written about their sadness at not being able to pray to Our Lady because their church forbids them to do so. This nostalgia is manifest in a poem by Maria Razusova Martakova(1), in which she deplores the fact that she cannot lean on the Blessed Virgin during her earthly pilgrimage:

This certainty lies in my heart,

And God knows how old my desire is,

To burn thyme at your feet,

And to tell you—Lead me, full of grace!

But for me, you are, like the stars, inaccessible.

This desire is only a dream and will not be fulfilled,

To God I must go the way of lonely suffering,

By a narrow path, all cluttered with thorns.


(1) Maria Razusova Martakova was a Slovak poet and writer (1905-1964).

Encyclopedia Maria Volume IV

Beauchesne 1956

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