July 1 – Armenian Church: Transfer of Mary’s Veil

Saints Louis and Zélie Martin: A path to holiness

It was through a novena that St Zélie Martin discovered her professional calling, and that her daughter St Thérèse later received the grace of seeing the Blessed Virgin smile at her, which marked the turning point of her recovery from a serious illness.

Saints Louis and Zélie Martin had a lifelong devotion to the Blessed Virgin. A statue of the Immaculate Virgin was enthroned in their house and it was before her that the family would gather to pray. The parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, Louis and Zélie were the first couple to be canonized together, on October 18, 2015. In doing this, the Church wished to highlight that the sacrament of marriage was for them the path to holiness. For this reason, the date of their wedding, July 12th, was chosen as their feast day.

Theirs was a conjugal holiness: in the communion and love that formed their union, even after Zélie’s death. "The thought of your mother follows me constantly," wrote Louis Martin to his daughters on his return from his trip to Constantinople.

Theirs was a family-oriented holiness: they were devoted to their nine children and entrusted each one of them to God. They were desirous to pass on to them the faith they themselves had received from their parents and also recognized that children were a gift. They were approachable and available to them as parents. 

Theirs was a social holiness: they did not just keep to themselves but sought out those in need, attentive to the most fragile in society, in a concern for justice and fraternal charity.

Theirs was an ecclesial holiness: through participation in parish life and formation (St Vincent de Paul Conferences, Catholic Circles, Propagation of the Faith...) and through the practice of prayer rooted in the Church and the sacramental life, Louis and Zélie and their children grew spiritually by caring for the poor, loving God and trusting in his Providence.

May the Lord likewise bless you and fill you with His grace.

Father Thierry Hénault-Morel, Rector of the Basilica of Our Lady in Alençon

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