June 14 - Feast of the Blessed Sacrament (Corpus Christi) - Apparitions to Ramute (Roma) Macvyte at Skiemonys (1962, encouraged by Bishop Preikas)

The Blessed Virgin will save mankind if people turn to God

In Skiemonys, Lithuania, on Friday, June 13, 1962, at about 11 pm, and again at the same time the next day, at a place called Janonis, 18-year-old Ramute (Roma) Macvyte allegedly saw the "Virgin dressed in white" who said to her:

"I will save mankind if people turn to God and convert... I will obtain a miracle from God, but people must pray. Sacrifices must be made, and above all the precepts of fasting and the commandments of the Church must be observed."

A local pilgrimage was born. On July 25, 1962, a "luminous phenomenon" was reportedly observed at the site of the apparitions. The following month, an investigation began, which in 2007 was still ongoing. Worship at the site is however encouraged by the bishop of Panevezys, the capital of Upper Lithuania.

Fr René Laurentin & Patrick Sbalchiero

Adapted from: Fr René Laurentin and Patrick Sbalchiero, Dictionnaire encyclopédique des apparitions de la Vierge. Inventaire des origines à nos jours. Méthodologie, prosopopée, approche interdisciplinaire, Fayard, Paris 2007.

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