July 17 - Feast of Mary's Humility

Let us leave all our concerns to Mary

Mary remained standing beside the Cross. The compassion that opened her heart reveals the depths of our own hearts and moves from them every single seed of death. The sword that wounded her released the streams of life that her Son poured out for us through the Holy Spirit. Let us pray to her without ceasing, without looking for beautiful words. Let us pray to her like children who talk to their mother, without trying to make fancy sentences, but simply revealing our hearts to her. Let us pray to her with boldness and confidence, sure that we will be heard, understood and even anticipated. 

Let us tell her often how much we love her. Let us never be afraid to bother her with our requests, even for the smallest things, because very often these things are only small in appearance. When offered to Mary, little things become the work of the Spirit. Mary finds joy in granting prayers even beyond our wishes. No aspect of our lives leaves her indifferent. No detail, however small, escapes her. She can even see consequences that we are probably unaware of. 

Is the wine of our faith running out? Have we lost hope? Do we not know how to love? The Blessed Virgin takes every opportunity to perfect our docility to the Spirit of her Son: "Do whatever he tells you." Everything works for her to transform our poverty into abundance. Thus, little by little, without our even realizing it, each beat of our hearts praises God to the rhythm of her Magnificat. Whatever we do, wherever we are, her company leads us to God. 

Let us expose ourselves entirely to Mary's light, so that the light of Christ may shine within us. Let us entrust to her all our worries and projects. Let us ask her to do what she wants with them. Let us place ourselves in her hands so that she may take care of us, her children.

Bishop Louis Sankale

Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Nice (France)

Adapted from Aleteia

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