January 13 – Baptism of the Lord

The Rosary is as powerful as a pocket pistol!

More than ever, the Rosary prayer meets the spiritual needs of people seeking inner silence and contemplation. The recitation of the Rosary is not a monotonous repetition but, on the contrary, helps us ascend to God with the efficiency of a pocket pistol!

One evening, when going to sleep, Saint Padre Pio asked one of the brothers in his community: "Please, give me the weapon that is in your pocket...” Slightly dismayed, the brother searches his pocket obediently, without finding any such thing. "Father, I do not have a weapon in my pocket, just some rosary beads," he said. "And you think the Rosary is not a weapon?” the future saint asked.

Indeed, for those who practice this way of praying, the Rosary is a powerful weapon with which one can fight selfishness and disordered passions. A weapon that develops patience, humility and mercy. A weapon that also allows human societies to win battles.

Adapted from: Aleteia

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