January 1 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Mary, Mother of God, sacred treasure of the whole universe

I see this joyous assembly of holy bishops who, at the invitation of the holy Mother of God, Mary always virgin, have gathered here filled with great enthusiasm... We salute you O Mary, Mother of God, sacred treasure of the whole universe, star without decline, crown of virginity, scepter of the orthodox faith, indestructible temple, abode of the immeasurable God, Mother and Virgin, because of the One who in the holy Gospel is called Blessed and who comes in the name of the Lord...

We salute you, who have contained in your virginal womb that which the heavens cannot contain; you by whom the Trinity is glorified and worshiped all over the earth; by whom Heaven exults; by whom the angels and the archangels rejoice... So that the entire world exults! 

Homily (5th-century), following the Council of Ephesus’ proclamation of the Blessed Virgin Mary as "Theotokos" or Mother of God (431)

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