December 31 – Holy Virgin Hodegetria, "She who points the way" (Italy) - Saint Odilo of Cluny, fifth abbot of Cluny (d. 1049)

Assured of the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Catholic churches in Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau reopened their doors to in-person worship in November 2020. The Bishops chose the date of All Saints' Day to gradually resume Masses and other services, after almost eight months of closure.

Their common press release stated: "We, your Bishops of Senegal, prayerfully trusting in the God of all mercy and protection, and assured of the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, Queen of all Saints, are in favor of gradually resuming religious services in our dioceses, starting on November 1, 2020, leaving to each pastor the discretion of the date, depending on their geographical location and practical considerations. We give thanks to God for allowing us to reopen, in the hope of fully reopening all services of divine worship."

The Bishops exhorted the Catholic faithful to maintain social distance to help the complete eradication of the disease.

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