December 28 – The Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Contemplate Jesus through the Virgin Mary's eyes

I am convinced that when the shepherds arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, they did not immediately go to the baby Jesus: they first looked at the Virgin Mary, talked to her and beheld her, before they actually were shown her Child. That is when they were finally able to contemplate Jesus.

We too should always contemplate the mysteries of the Gospel through Mary’s eyes. After meditating on Christ's death on the Cross, if we think that we have exhausted its depths, we should ask ourselves: "How did Mary see her Son while He was dying on the Cross?" And we should say to Mary: "Help me to understand this mystery a little better, as you understood it."

If you do this, the Virgin Mary will no longer be for you just an object of veneration for the example of perfect holiness that she represents. She will take you under her mantle and cover you up, and help you to contemplate all the mysteries of Jesus Christ with her own eyes.

Cardinal Charles Journet

Swiss Catholic theologian (1891-1975)

Entretiens sur Marie - Ed. Parole et Silence 2001

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