December 24 – Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord

What made Mary the true Mother of the Eternal Word?

Surely, what God asks of us above all else is that we offer our will to Him without reservation and let Him do whatever He wants. This is the way to have peace in everything. Beyond that, whatever we say to God, or whatever God tells us, is of little or no use to us. We must come to accept the Apostle's maxim: "Lord, what do you want me to do?" The Lord knows what He has to do. This attitude is much more pleasing to Him than if we performed wonders by our own will…

Again, more than anything else than we could say or do, God asks and desires nothing so much as to hear this wish from the depths of our hearts: "Lord, Your most holy will be done."

When the Angel Gabriel brought the message of the august Trinity to the Virgin Mother, the exchange of words he had with Mary did not accomplish much. But when the Virgin surrendered her own will to offer it to God, she immediately became the true Mother of the Eternal Word of God. Her fiat allowed her to conceive the Son of God and thus gained her the merit of having Him for her own Son, and calling herself His true Mother.

Taulian Institutions

The Institutions, attributed to the Rhineland mystic Johannes Tauler OP (†1361), are a collection of mystical texts of Rhenish or Flemish origin from the 14th century. They were hugely popular from the moment the Carthusian monastery of Cologne published them in the 16th century. The Institutions were one of Saint Teresa of Avila’s favorite readings. 

Excerpt from the French Magnificat, December 2015

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