December 7 - Saint Ambrose, Doctor of the Church (d. 397) - Vigil of the Immaculate Conception

Mary advises to never fear suffering or sacrifice

On December 7, 1920, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at dawn to Sister Josefa Menéndez (1) and said to her:

"My daughter, never fear suffering or sacrifice. God's ways are thus. If you want to emerge victorious from the onslaught of the enemy, I recommend two things: first, humble yourself, for you are nothing and you deserve nothing... everything is the grace of your God. Second, when you find yourself abandoned, surrounded by temptations, when your soul is cold and without strength to fight, never abandon prayer. Pray with humility and trust, and come at once to open your heart to me, the Mother whom my Son gave you. Believe me, my daughter, in this you will not go wrong. Receive my blessing. You know that I am your Mother."

(1) Sister Josefa Menéndez was a Catholic nun and mystic. She was born in Spain (1890-1923) and lived for four years in a French convent. She was a coadjutrix sister of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Poitiers, France, and is the author of A Call to Souls, Christ's Appeal for Love, I Wait for You, and The Way of Divine Love.

Excerpt from:

A Call to Souls, Christ's Appeal for Love, by Sister Josefa Menéndez.

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