August 9 - Saint Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) - Our Lady of the Parish (Italy, 1829)

An M-shaped pilgrimage to entrust France to Mary

From June 2, 2020, until September 13, 2020, the Confraternity Our Lady of France is organizing a pilgrimage whose itinerary traces an “M” over France, passing through five famous Marian shrines where apparitions took place in the 19th century, over a period of just 46 years: Paris (Chapel of the Miraculous Medal), La Salette, Lourdes, Pontmain, and Pellevoisin.

This long pilgrimage, known as “The M of Mary”(1), criss-crosses France following an M-shaped route, stopping at the five Marian apparition shrines. On June 2nd, a horse-drawn carriage carrying a tall statue of Mary received the blessing of Bishop Ribadeau Dumas in front of the grotto of Lourdes, before setting off. A similar team left La Salette at the same time.

These two symmetrical roads are due to meet at Pellevoisin on September 12th, passing via Pontmain for one and via the Rue du Bac in Paris for the other, in August. In all, the pilgrims will walk more than 2,000 kilometers (1,242 mi.) in 104 days.

Every day, the Marian groups travel about 15 kilometers and stop for the night in a village, where they pray in the church and spend a convivial evening together around a campfire. In all, more than 250 people, including about 60 young people, are helping with the organization. "At a time when our country is facing immense challenges, when the Church is going through a major crisis, and after the fire at Notre Dame which was a trigger, an idea was born—creating a great movement towards the Blessed Virgin to entrust our country to her," the Confraternity Our Lady of France explained in a press release.

Adapted from: Valeurs Actuelles

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