August 3 - France: Act of Consecration to Mary inspired by Saint Peter Damien and approved by the Archbishop of Cambrai (1626)

We don't have enough words to thank the Blessed Virgin

My wife Laetitia and I have been readers of A Moment with Mary for two years now, and we attentively meditate on these short daily texts.

On May 5, 2019, we discovered in the daily meditation the prayer of the novena by Father Stoffer, recommended especially for couples trying to conceive. This had actually been our case since we were married in September 2017.

We immediately decided to pray this novena. We wrote down the beautiful prayer on a piece of paper and put it in our prayer corner where we pray together as a couple every morning.

Less than a month later, we happened to participate—in a totally unexpected way—in a prayer vigil in Paris with Father Suarez, a Filipino priest known worldwide for his gift of healing. When he touched Laetitia's tummy, she felt a soothing warmth. And within a week, she was pregnant! Our little Louis is now one month old, and he fills us with joy.

We don’t have enough words to thank the Blessed Virgin and give glory to God for the graces that He lavishes us with through our sweet Mother.

Ed & Laetitia

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