May 1 – Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker – Our Lady of Laus (France, 1664)

The world's breath broke against Joseph

Mary says: “I, whom the Eternal had destined to be the Queen of his angels, had two angels as my subjects, beginning on earth: my Guardian Angel, whose invisible presence I felt stirring at my side continually, with flashes of light and heavenly perfume, and my angelic consort, whose flesh, not darkened by the desire of blood, lived close to mine-like that of two lilies blossoming in the same flowerbed scenting each other and blooming for the Lord, each an example for the other in rising ever higher, towards God, in perfuming more intensely out of charity for God and one's companion. …

My holy and blessed Joseph! My heart does not cease to thank its Lord for having given him to me as a consort, for as a holy Father He provided for his Servant and created this living defense for my virginity, drawn out of the Temple, and the world's breath thus broke against Joseph, so that the din and stench of human baseness did not penetrate where the eternal Virgin continued to praise the Lord as if she were assigned to the service of the altar, beyond the Holy of Holies, where the glory of the Eternal God was shining."

From Maria Valtorta’s 1944 Notebook (January 11) 

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