April 20 – Our Lady of Sorrows (Peru, 1906)

In China, the Rosary to fight against the coronavirus

Chinese Catholics celebrate the Sunday liturgy by praying at home, sitting on a sofa or kang (the bed-stove), kneeling on a modest carpet or the plain floor, in front of a table set up like an altar.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, a few days before the Lunar New Year, the bishops of many Chinese dioceses have issued instructions cancelling Masses, gatherings and other celebrations to prevent the spread of the virus. Many of the faithful lay down an open bible on tables set up as altars to read some passages as well as recite the rosary, the litanies, and the intercessions.

Everyone, in both the official and underground Churches, pray intensely to the Lord to spare China from its current trial. Bishop Joseph Li Shan of Beijing asked members of his congregation to read the Bible, recite the Rosary, pray, and make sacrifices and do good deeds.

Mgr Peter Shao Zhumin, the unofficial bishop of Wenzhou (Zhejiang), called on his Catholics to do the same thing: recite the Rosary, pray for Divine Mercy, say a prayer to Saint Roch, protector of the plague victims, choose one day a week to fast, and ask God for the grace of healing China.

Our Lady of All Asia, pray for China!

Adapted from Asia News

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