April 11 – Saturday of Holy Week - Madonna Bambino di Brindisi (Italy, 1598) – Fire of the Turin Cathedral and miraculous rescue of the Shroud (1997)

Mary’s crucial choice

Poor mother, how shall You go on without Jesus? He is your Life – your All. Yet, it is the Will of the Eternal One that wants it so. You will have to fight against two insurmountable powers: Love and Divine Will. Love nails You, in such a way that You cannot separate from Him; the Divine Will imposes Itself and wants the sacrifice. Poor Mother, how shall You go on? How much compassion I feel for You! O please, Angels of Heaven, come to raise Her from the stiffened limbs of Jesus, otherwise She will die!

... But, oh prodigy, while you seem lifeless with Jesus, I hear your voice, trembling and broken with sobs, saying: "Son, O Beloved Son, this is the last relief I have left to soften my pain: to pour out my love infinitely on the wounds of your humanity, to adore them, to kiss them. And now, that too is being taken away from me. The Divine Will wants it so. And I resign myself. But know, O Son, that even if that is what I want, I cannot do it. At the thought of doing it, my strength is dissolved, and my life flees from me. Give me this grace, O Son, that I may have the strength to make the bitter separation. Allow me to let myself be completely buried in you and to take your Life in me, your sorrows, your reparations, and all that you are. Only an exchange of Lives between you and me can give me the strength to make the sacrifice to separate me from you!"

Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947)

Italian mystic and stigmatist

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