Scripture does not say so, but there is no doubt that the Mother of God was present at the Last Supper, on the night of Holy Thursday. Surely she came to Jerusalem as she always did for the Passover feast, and celebrated the Passover meal with the whole group that followed Jesus.
Since she kept all of Jesus’ words in her heart, we can imagine how she received His farewell speech: “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you” (Lk 22:15). Could that have reminded her of the wedding at Cana? (1)
Now His hour had come. Now He could give in reality what He could only mention before as a symbol.
Your communion, my Mother! Was it not like a return to this elusive unity, when you fed Him with your flesh and blood? But now He's the one who feeds you.
Do you not see before you at this hour the whole mystical body, which must grow through this holy banquet?
Do you not already receive it now as a Mother, as you will do tomorrow at the foot of the Cross?
Do you not also see all the offenses that will be done to the Lord in these species, and do you not offer satisfaction for them?
O Mother, teach us to receive the Body of the Lord as You received it.
(1) See Jn 2: 1-12. See verse 4: "My hour has not yet come."
Saint Edith Stein
Excerpt from The Science of the Cross
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