April 6 – Monday of Holy Week – Black Madonna of Mende (France, 1857) – Apparition to Father Jacok Rem (Ingolstadt, Germany, 1604)

Keep an image of Our Lady on your person to protect yourself from the pandemic

Of course, we are all familiar with the recommendations issued by the health authorities to help limit the spread of the coronavirus. However, there is something else that should be added to the list, spiritual in nature: keep an image of Our Lady on your person and pray to her regularly. 

This advice comes from Saint John Bosco, who lived through a cholera epidemic in Turin in 1854. The Italian priest recommended this to the young men he was sending out to tend the sick throughout the city. Not one of them caught the disease. 

Although the two epidemics cannot be compared, Dom Bosco's advice is still valid: act humbly with faith and entrust yourself to the Mother of God.

Our Lady of Good Health, Pray for us!

Adapted from: Aleteia

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