April 5 – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord – Our Lady of Fatima crowned Queen of Korea (1953)

Mary fully shared her Son’s journey to Jerusalem

Following the events in her Son’s life, Mary shared in his drama of experiencing rejection from some of the chosen people. This rejection first appeared during his visit to Nazareth and became more and more obvious in the words and attitudes of the leaders of the people.

In this way the Blessed Virgin would often have come to know the criticism, insults and threats directed at Jesus. In Nazareth too she would have frequently been troubled by the disbelief of relatives and acquaintances who would try to use Jesus (cf. Jn 7:2-5) or stop his mission (Mk 3:21).

Through this suffering borne with great dignity and discretion, Mary shared her Son’s journey to Jerusalem (Lk 9:51) and, more and more closely united with him in faith, hope and love, she co-operates in salvation.

The Blessed Virgin thus becomes a model for those who accept Christ’s words. Believing in the divine message since the Annunciation and fully supporting the Person of the Son, she teaches us to listen to the Savior with trust, to discover in him the Divine Word that transforms and renews our life. Her experience also encourages us to accept the trials and suffering that come from fidelity to Christ, keeping our gaze fixed on the happiness Jesus promised those who listen to him and keep his word.

Pope Saint John Paul II, General Audience, March 12, 1997


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