October 2 – Mary Queen of Angels

What made the angel say “Hail Mary”?

The classic opposition of angels and men was an important matter in the past. It was always seen as a point of honor to revere the angels. This is why the Scriptures praised the actions of Abraham, who gave hospitality to angels and bowed down to them.

But that an angel would bow before a human being was unheard of, until the angel Gabriel greeted the Blessed Virgin at the Annunciation, saying: "Hail Mary!"

There are three reasons why before the Annunciation angels did not show reverence to human beings :

1. It was not proper for a spiritual and incorruptible creature to show reverence to a corruptible creature (man).

2. Angels live in the presence of the Most High, and act as his assistants. The prophet Daniel says, in chapter 7: "A million angels served him, and a thousand million were present before him." But man is like a stranger, exiled from God because of sin. Psalm 54 says: "Fleeing, I went away."

3. Thirdly, angels are superior to man by being vested in the full splendor of divine grace. This is why angels always appear in a bright light. In men, although they do have a share in the light of grace, this light however is weaker, and they are as in a shadow.

It was not proper, therefore, for angels to show reverence to man, until there was among humans a person who on these three points was superior to angels; and this creature was the Blessed Virgin.

And because he wished to express that Mary was superior to him in these three points the angel revered her, saying "Ave!" meaning "I salute you!"

Françoise Breynaert, French theologian

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