September 14 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Foundation of Einsiedeln Abbey (Switzerland, 948)

An easy way to finish novenas

Have you ever started praying a novena only to forget to pray it after a few days? Perhaps you are like more than 460,000 people who need some reminding and have joined in praying novenas with the help of this website

Here is the testimony of John Paul who created Pray More Novenas with his wife Annie:

“My wife and I had recently started dating and she asked me to pray the Immaculate Conception novena with her… I thought about it for a minute and turned her down. I could tell that she was disappointed, but I had always been disappointed by novenas in the past. Actually, I wasn't disappointed in the novenas themselves, but rather in my own discipline to complete an entire novena. Not exactly the best reason not to pray with my future wife! After that novena was already underway I realized that there were probably other people who struggled to finish novenas as well. That's when I got the idea to send reminder emails out with the prayers for each day in them. I launched the website a few weeks later.”

Pray More Novenas started not long after, in 2010... John Paul set the goal of one novena a month and what started as a side project for him has turned into full-time work for both him and Annie… “The greatest blessing for me,” he shares “has been being able to see how God answers prayers in a powerful way. Annie and I get to see big answered prayers every day.”

The Pray More Novenas website offers novenas on request for the feasts of the Annunciation, the Assumption, the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity, Mary, Undoer of Knots (1), the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, apparitions such as Fatima, Lourdes, Knock, and a novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as to the Holy Spirit and the saints.


(1) Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena

Adapted from an article of the National Catholic Register

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