Septembre 8 – Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The daughter of infertile parents, she became the fertile virgin

Today, as every year on September 8th, we celebrate the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast starts the liturgical cycle of saints feast days and is a great day of rejoicing for all of us.

Mary’s birth was a miracle: her parents Joachim and Anne were already advanced in age, but they hadn’t given up their hope to have a child. However, God had different plans, and he announced them to Mary’s parents.

Thus Mary was conceived with the view of being the Mother of God’s Son who was to redeem the world. Her birth brought consolation and joy to the world by preparing it for the coming of Christ. That is why we celebrate it.

Today more than ever, the world needs to find consolation and joy.

"How many miracles converged in this child! How many alliances formed in her! The daughter of infertile parents, she would become the fertile virgin. In her will be made the union of divinity and humanity, of impassibility and suffering, of life and death, so that in everything, what was evil may be defeated by what is best.” (Homily of St John Damascene)

Xavier Martin

General Delegate of l'Alliance Divine Miséricorde (the Divine Mercy Alliance)

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