September 7 – Our Lady of Aparecida (Brazil, 1717)

Mary did not understand everything all at once

Through her spiritual journey of faith, Mary, an intelligent and free woman, asked questions. At the Annunciation, she wondered: "How will it be, since I do not know a man?” (Lk 1: 34). When Jesus was found in the Temple of Jerusalem she said "My child, why did you do that to us? See! Your father and I worried” (Lk 2: 48). And the evangelist St Luke underlines the fact that Mary and Joseph did not understand Jesus’ reply, "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" (Lk 2:49).

Mary did not understand everything all at once. She walked by faith, with the lights and shadows it implies. In the Bible, having faith means to hold on to God’s Word. To believe is to adhere to the revealed Word, which is light but sometimes prophecies have a part of darkness too. Mystics like Saint John of the Cross speak of the dark night of faith and exegetes like Father Lagrange often evoke the obscure side of the Scriptures. ...

Following the example of Mary, the theologian asks questions and seeks answers by using the light of reason enlightened by the grace of faith.

Manuel Rivero O.P.

Doctor of Theology. Chaplain of the Domenjod prison (Saint-Denis, Reunion, France), guest professor of theology at UCM (Catholic University of Madagascar) and DOMUNI (Dominican International Digital University).


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