September 6 – Our Lady of Tears (Italy, 1553)

Tallest statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe is in the United States

Standing 33 feet tall, this statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Windsor, Ohio is not only stunning to look at but the tallest in the world!

The statue began with Deacon Ed Heinz of the Servants of Mary Center of Peace, who purchased a farm for the sole purpose of its construction. After much prayer over how he would fund the endeavor, Richard Hyslin, an art professor at The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, agreed to build it for free.

On August 5, 1995, the completed statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was dedicated. She stands a top an angel and a cloud with saintly radiance surrounding her made of metal. The surface is decorated with thousands of vibrantly colored mosaic tiles creating an intricate display. Surrounding the east-ward facing statue is a pond, itself surrounded by whites bead of the Rosary and a Crucifix that are lit at night.

Adapted from an article by Billy Ryan – Ucatholic Blog, June 18, 2019

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