November 30 – Our Lady of Good Help (Nantes, France)

When the law violates the rights of the child, it is time to pray to Our Lady

Several countries around the world have already passed laws permitting the use of Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP) to allow same-sex couples to have a child. In this year 2019, the French government recently approved the use of MAP for single people and lesbian couples. This is the first step in a serious revolution in the law of filiation that deliberately deprives the child of a father and calls into question the fundamental anthropological base on which our Judeo-Christian civilization is based.

Dismayed by this deviation that directly violates the most obvious rights of the unborn child, many initiatives are emerging to try to revisit such unfair laws.

In France, among other initiatives, the diocese of Toulon organized on September 26, 2019, a vigil of prayer for France in its cathedral, on the theme “Protecting the most fragile.” The faithful, concerned by the bioethics bill introduced in the National Assembly on September 24, 2019, turned up in large numbers to pray and peacefully protest. In the words of Hedwig Nicolas, the young mother behind the event, this was a "prayer offensive" to entrust France, the legislators, and the most fragile ones, in the hands of the Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.

"The parliamentary calendar makes it urgent to invite Catholics to pray for their legislators, to come together and unite in prayer," she told Aleteia. This initiative is supported by Msgr. Dominique Rey, Bishop of the Diocese Fréjus-Toulon. A “Prayer Vigil Kit” to organize similar events is available to parishes who request it.

Adapted from: Frejus-Toulon and Aleteia

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