November 13 Our Lady of Siponto (Italy, 5th century)

Adoring the Holy Trinity at the school of the Virgin Mary

Sister Emmanuel, prioress general of the Monastic Family of Bethlehem, shared with us some secrets of prayer life, with a nun’s simplicity.

The Monastic Family of Bethlehem, of the Assumption of the Virgin and of Saint Bruno (or simply Monks and Sisters of Bethlehem) was founded on November 1, 1950, in Saint Peter’s Square, Rome, following Pius XII’s promulgation of the dogma of the Assumption of Virgin. On that day, a few French pilgrims heard the call to a life of adoration of the Holy Trinity at the school of the Virgin Mary.

What is the purpose of prayer? Nothing, we could say! The first point of prayer is not about usefulness, but about freely giving. Like love or beauty. But Jesus, who Himself often withdrew to pray to his Father, also tells us in the Gospel that prayer is effective. The Lord's Prayer also contains these two aspects: the first part is concerned with freely giving, about a relationship, the second part with petition. Give us today our daily bread. Please give me at this time everything that I need for today.

If the Virgin Mary in her apparitions exhorts her children to pray, it is because she knows that, in praying, every human person finds the meaning of his or her life: God who loves us unconditionally and saves us.

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