November 6 – Our Lady of Valfleury (Lyon, France)

A comeback for Lourdes in the past two years

The annual pilgrimage to Lourdes has seen a noticeable increase of participants. In just two years, their number has increased by 15%. Could this comeback point to a strong return of the Catholic faith?

There were at least 27,000 pilgrims this year on August 15th for the feast of the Assumption, counting all countries of residency, according to France Info radio. The crowds were so large that the organizers of the 146th annual Assumption pilgrimage, which ran from August 11-16, were forced to turn down registrations this year. Another striking indicator: about 8,000 people officially registered for the National Pilgrimage to celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin Mary to Heaven.

It should be mentioned that a recently approved miracle probably inspired many people to sign up: the miraculous healing of a nun, Sr. Bernadette Moriau, authenticated by the Church on February 11, 2018. This has brought the number of officially recognized Lourdes miracles to 70.

Today however, pilgrims are no longer predominantly French. They are more diverse, says Father André Cabes, rector of the shrine.

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