November 5 – Sedes Sapientiae (Germany, 1280)

Born of a virgin mother, Jesus is the surprise of Creation!

In contrast to her cousin Elizabeth, Mary is not barren. Her child does not come into existence because God removes sterility. Rather, Mary is a virgin who has not known man—her child is totally God’s work, a new creation.

The angel’s appearance to Zechariah happens in the Jerusalem Temple, signifying continuity with the Old Testament institutions. But the annunciation to Mary takes place in Nazareth, which does not appear in the whole Old Testament, again a sign of total newness on what God is doing.

Lastly, John the Baptist is the answer to his aged parents’ yearning for a child. Mary does not yearn for a child, for she has not yet lived with her betrothed. Jesus is the surprise of Creation. His conception is totally God’s initiative, beyond human imaginings.

Manilla Bulletin, August 2019 

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