March 23 – Mater Domini (Italy, 1650) – Saint Rafqa (Lebanon)

The grace of Christmas can be for every day!

The grace of Christmas is given to all, but it is received in fullness only with Mary, and by imitating her. The silence of the mother of Jesus is a silence of contemplation and transformation. It helps us to understand the mystery of divine love and to let ourselves be transformed by the God who became man in a humble stable.

At the school of the Virgin of Christmas, the Christian understands that the most beautiful life that he can have is the one that befalls him. He learns to read the Word of God written in the daily events of his life.

In saying so we are not confusing contemplation and fatalistic resignation, but we learn to connect events together, like the Virgin did in Bethlehem, in order to see the masterpiece that God is building in our lives, with our cooperation.

This is part of the grace of Christmas. Jesus wasn’t just born in Bethlehem on December 25th. He is born in our hearts whenever we become aware that God is working in us. But for us to make this staggering discovery, we must be silent, to hear to the Word in us.

No one is more qualified to teach us the practice of contemplation than Mary.

Adapted from an article by Jean-Michel Castaing

January 2019


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