March 22 – Madonna Addolorata (Italy, 1889) – Birth of Lucia of Fatima (1907)

Fatima: a continuation of Paray-le-Monial

Cardinal Cerveteri, Archbishop of Lisbon, Portugal, said: "Fatima (Portugal) is the continuation, or better, the conclusion of Paray-le-Monial (France). Fatima unites these two hearts that God himself has united in the work of Redemption."

Since Jesus and Mary redeemed us at great price, how can we not repent of our sins and make reparation for so many offenses? That is why the devotion to the Sacred Heart, as Christ asked Saint Margaret Mary in Paray-le-Monial in the 17th century, and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary given in the 20th century in Fatima, are both meant to be offered in atonement for our sins...

The love between Jesus and Mary, and for each one of us, is such that they want to make their home in our hearts, so that our hearts become theirs, burning with love for God and our brethren. We can only love Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Michèle Reboul

Excerpt from de L’Immaculée Conception, clé de voûte de la Création, Éditions Via Romana, p. 517

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