July 1 – Our Lady of Good Deliverance (Paris, France) – Our Lady of Mariazell (Austria)

The guide that our Heavenly Mother sent me

In 1918, I was looking for a job cleaning houses in Augsburg (Bavaria). There were many of us at home, and the living conditions were difficult. A relative gave me several addresses with a letter of recommendation. Unfortunately, all the positions had already been taken! Distraught, I went inside the nearest church. There I recited two Rosaries, putting all my trust in the Blessed Virgin.

Now, as I was leaving the church, a distinguished young man approached me and politely asked if I was the girl looking for a job. I said yes, so he led me to a villa and told me: "In this house they are looking for someone just like you. They are good Christians, who will treat you like their child ... Just ring the bell. Good luck!” My guide politely took leave of me and left before I could thank him.

Full of confidence, I rang the bell. A distinguished woman opened the door. When I told her that a kind young gentleman had led me there because they were looking for a domestic servant, she answered: "Yes, indeed! But so far we haven’t talked to anyone... Come in anyway and we'll discuss it."

The lady let me in and offered me coffee and cake. Suddenly my eyes were drawn to a photograph on the wall. I couldn’t contain my surprise: "Oh goodness, that is the young man who brought me here!" The lady was very surprised: "This is our only son, who died in the war ... So it was our beloved son who brought you to our home!"

We were both deeply moved by this event ... The lady hired me. As for me, I always place fresh flowers before the picture of their son to express my gratitude to him, since our Mother of Heaven sent him to me, to take me to his parents.

Story told by Franz Schrönghauer-Heimdal (1881-1962). Bavarian writer and painter. 

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