August 2 – Saint Peter Julian Eymard (d. August 1, 1868)

Cured at the sight of the Marian Chapel

In 1638, near the southern France town of Castellane lived a 9-year old boy named John Latil, who was deaf and mute from birth and had never walked. His father, Lucretius Martin, heard about the great graces dispensed by Mary at her shrine of Bargemon (France), so he decided to consecrate his son to Our Lady of Bargemon. He promised her to come barefoot to the altar of her shrine at the end of the novena and to bring her an offering, despite his poverty.

As evidenced by the signs he addressed to his father when he spoke to him of his promise to the Virgin Mary, the boy had the same disposition of heart and the same resolve. They started on their way.

When they arrived in sight of Bargemon, just upon seeing the Marian chapel, the boy suddenly began to speak and walk without any difficulty. He shouted thanks for the miracle he had received! His friends and family shared the story of the miracle with numerous people that day, because it happened on the day of a religious procession of White Penitents who came to pray to Our Lady of Bargemon.

Brother Raphael

In Le trésor inconnu de la Mère de Dieu (The Unknown Treasure of the Mother of God), Benedictine Editions

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