August 1 – Saint Alphonsus of Liguori (d. 1787)

Noah’s ark is a true figure of Mary

A sinner who goes to Mary must never be afraid of being rejected. ''Mary is the new ark. As brute animals were saved in the ark, so great sinners will gain salvation in Mary.'' (Saint Bernard) Saint Gertrude saw a vision of Mary welcoming lions, bears and tigers. She realized that these were abandoned sinners who went to Mary and were saved from eternal death by her. Let us enter the ark. She will not reject us. …

Because it saved all kinds of beasts, Noah’s ark is a true figure of Mary. Sinners, by their vices, are already beasts. There is one difference. The animals on the ark remained animals, but under the mantle of Mary, sinners cease to be beasts. Saint Gertrude saw Mary with all kinds of wild animals under her mantle. These represented sinners whom Mary welcomed the moment they turned to her.

Saint Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary

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