July 15 – Memory of Saint Vladimir

The effect of the Rosary prayed by an entire nation

In 1945, Vienna, the capital of Austria, was divided into four zones of occupation. This situation lasted 10 years, and no solution could be found to decide her fate. Then, suddenly and inexplicably, Russia signed the Austria State Treaty, ending its occupation!

A German journalist gave this explanation: "An obscure religious from Vienna launched a Rosary crusade in a spirit of atonement. From all sides of society, the population participated in this Rosary to ask for the liberation of the country from the Red Army. Since officials and historians themselves cannot explain this withdrawal, it would be hard not to see in it the effect of having an entire population pray the Rosary!"

Many Christians who were on the inside attest that it was through prayer that, after its rise in Poland, God procured the liberation of Eastern European countries in 1989.

Rev. Rudolf Graber, Bishop of Regensburg (Germany)

1990 Declaration, quoted in In Fioretti de la Vierge Marie Brother Albert Pfleger,

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
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