February 28 – Our Lady of Tears (Italy, 1522) – 11th apparition in Lourdes

You know that a child needs a mother

What more could You have given to me, O God, in giving me Yourself to have as my very own?

Your Heart burning with love for me directed You to grant me one more gift: yes, still one more gift!

You told us to become your children, if we wished to enter the Kingdom of heaven. And You know that a child needs a mother:

You yourself established this rule of love.

And so Your goodness and mercy created for us a Mother—the personal embodiment of Your graciousness and Your boundless love—and from beneath the cross on Golgotha You gave Her to us and us to Her...

You resolved, O God Who Loves us, that She should be for us a powerful Mediatrix of all Your graces and our Advocate—You will deny Her nothing, just as She is incapable of denying anything to anyone.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941) (KW 1145)

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