February 25 – Virgin Nicopeia (Venice, Italy) – 9th apparition in Lourdes – Saint Joan of Arc met King Charles VII in Chinon (France, 1429)

You have the same God that Mary carried in her womb in your heart

While Jesus was in her womb, Mary immaculate never forgot the precious load that she was carrying. She prayed and talked with the Child Jesus inside her, constantly. She listened to his voice, obeyed his commands, learned about his plans, and sympathized with his suffering in advance. She made reparations for all the acts of disrespect ungrateful people would inflict on him, and she offered him to the Father. She did this until the day she gave birth to her Son.

You have the same God that Mary carried in her womb in your heart . You can carry him, He who is the Redeemer of all mankind, just like Mary did. So you too should do as she did, until the Savior hidden in you is born on the cross, i.e. until he visibly appears in you at your death. 

Venerable Pauline Jaricot (1799-1862)

French laywoman, foundress of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary

Ecrits de jeunesse (Lethielleux publishing, p. 97)

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