February 22 – Blessed Isabelle of France (d. 1270), foundress of a convent dedicated to the “Humility of Our Lady”

All the flames of the Heart of Jesus were passing through the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Blessed Dina Bélanger (Québec, Canada, 1898-1929) wrote:

"Our Lord, the Man-God, showed me his most adorable Heart in the holy host. I did not look at his sacred face, but his Heart and the Host captivated me. The two, his Heart and the Host, were perfectly united, so much fused into each other that I cannot explain how I could even tell one from the other. From the host emanated an immensity of rays of light. From his heart sprang an immensity of flames, which escaped like hurried torrents.

The Blessed Virgin was there, so close to Our Lord that she was absorbed by him, and yet I saw her distinctly from him. Oh! She was so pure! All the rays of light from the host and all the flames of the Heart of Jesus passed through the Immaculate Heart of the Most Blessed Virgin."

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