February 5 – Our Lady of Chernigov (Ukraine)

Miraculously saved from death

One evening in 1856, Father Riou, a parish priest from the diocese of Puy-en-Velay (France), was returning from a journey on horseback, saying the Rosary.

A violent storm broke out—the night became so dark that the priest could no longer guide his horse. At a turn of the road, above a steep cliff, he suddenly fell into the void—a frightful fall of about 80 feet!

His coat, hat, and cassock were in shreds, his horse instantly killed as its head dashed on a rock … but Father Riou rose up to his feet unscathed!

The priest rightly credited the Blessed Virgin for saving him so miraculously from death on that night.

Bishop Millot, Vicar General of the Diocese of Versailles

Excerpt from Allons à Jésus (Let's go to Jesus)

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