December 4 – The Immaculate Virgin of Sameiro (Portugal)

A true mother stands by you until the end

When Jesus died on the cross, almost everyone deserted him, but his Mother stood by him until the end. Jesus also wanted us to have a mother standing by us until the end. Thus at the foot of the cross he bequeathed Mary to us when he told John, “Son behold thy mother.” Many people have not only refused to accept the Virgin Mary, but they have also denounced her. Now it's Jesus’ turn to stand by his Mother!

People denounce Mary for the title “Mother of God” ascribed to her. But why deprive her of this title when God himself decided to be born into this world through her? “Mother of God” is not even Marian propaganda! An admission that the Son is God is not a claim that the Mother is also a God… Mary is the Mother of the God made man, incarnated in her virgin womb, who became by her fiat true God and true man.

The Virgin Mary is the best partner in the exercise of one’s commitment to the Word. The maxim “To Jesus to Mary” succinctly describes how Marian devotees go to God. As Jesus’ closest collaborator, saving souls is her primary concern. If you insist upon denouncing her, rest assured that she will stand by you in your worst moments because she is a true mother. 

Adapted from an article by Fr. Dan de los Angeles, published by Bandera, September 24, 2019

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