August 28 - Saint Augustine, doctor of the Church (d. 430) – Our Lady of Tears (Syracuse, Italy, 1953)

The tears of Our Lady of Syracuse bring healing

In Syracuse (Italy), a married couple hung a plaster bas-relief of the Immaculate Heart of Mary above their bed. Their names were Angelo Lannuso and Antonia Giusto. They were an ordinary couple. Then something unusual happened in their home.

From August 29 - September 1, 1953, the Virgin’s eyes on the image seemed to be shedding tears. Angelo and Antonia were greatly amazed by this, while others were skeptic. But anyone could come see for themselves that it was not a hoax. Some people were miraculously healed with a few of the tears.

A scientific investigation found that they were indeed human tears. The lachrymation was even filmed when it happened.

In short, Mary was crying through this plaster cast.

A large, modern shrine, called the Santuario Madonna Delle Lacrime (Shrine of Our Lady of Tears), was built specially to accommodate the crowds that continue to gather to pray before the holy image, blessed by the popes.

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