August 16 – Our Lady of the Fence (Lille, France, 1566)

Mary is the visible throne of Divine Wisdom

The Assumption does not just tell us that Mary has gone up to heaven, but also that she does not remain there in blissful inactivity. She listens to her Son "in agony until the end of time" (according to Blaise Pascal’s expression), and doing so remains the model that not only she proposes to us, but also that she desires and asks for the grace to be imparted to us. Our hope is her destiny, which is not limited to finding happiness with God, but to bring our neighbor to receive Him.

Truly, devotion to the Virgin Mary is not a “cute” practice or a marginal tradition. It is not one possibility among others, but the way that God gives us to fully understand who we are and what our vocation is as human beings who need a Father and Mother in Heaven.

And if a part of sentimentality, even of childish naïveté enters into this disposition, so much the better! Let us rejoice: it is proof that we are not ideologues, because it is to children and the simple minded that the Kingdom is promised (Matt 18:1-5) as well as to those who feel that in Mary, Divine Wisdom finds a visible throne. In Mary, indeed, even scientists and other short-sighted people who see themselves as eagles, can see and recognize Divine Wisdom without becoming idiots, on the contrary!

Jean Duchesne - Aleteia

Administrative Director of the Académie Catholique de France and one of the founders of the French edition of Communio, an international Catholic review

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