When Jesus returned to his village at the age of 30, he surprised everyone by his proclamation of God’s Word! Jesus connected the new love that God came to bring us through him to daily life. But we still need to receive it!
Today as yesterday, it is hard for us to speak about God with people who think they know everything about him. Saint John Chrysostom said: "The people of Nazareth admired him, but instead of inspiring faith, this admiration inspired jealousy. It was as if they were asking themselves: Why Him and not me? Jesus knew the people that, instead of listening to him, were scandalized by his words. They were relatives, friends, and neighbors who were dear to him. And he never managed to have them accept his message of salvation.
Jesus challenged the people of Nazareth with his questions; they knew his father Joseph, the carpenter, Mary’s husband, a good craftsman appreciated by all, whose heart was close to God and his brethren through his work. Joseph put his heart into his work because he was enraptured by his love for Jesus and Mary, where he drew all his energy. Through Mary's heart, his love went to the heart of the Father in the Holy Spirit.
Adapted from a article by Father Gilbert Adam
Priest at L’Arche (an international federation of communities spread over 37 countries, for people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them – Founded by Jean Vanier in 1964)