April 29 – Our Lady of la Ghiara (Italy, 1596) – Saint Catherine of Siena, mystic and doctor of the Church

When Mary said YES, she made a commitment on behalf of all of us

In you, O Mary, our human strength and freedom are today revealed, for after the deliberation of such and so great a council, the angel was sent to you to announce to you the mystery of the divine counsel, and to seek to know your will, and God's Son did not come down into your womb until you had given your will's consent. He waited at the door of your will for you to open to him; for he wanted to come into you, but he would never have entered unless you had opened to him, saying,

"Here I am, God's servant; let it be done to me as you have said" (Lk 1:38)…

O Mary, may you be proclaimed blessed among all women for endless ages, for today you have shared with us your flour. Today the Godhead is joined and kneaded into one dough with our humanity—so securely that this union could never be broken, either by death or by our thanklessness. In fact, the Godhead was united even with Christ’s body in the tomb and with his soul in limbo, and afterward with both his soul and body. The relationship was so entered into and sealed that it will never be dissolved, any more than it has be broken up to now.


Saint Catherine of Siena,

written on the feast day of the Annunciation, in 1379.

Marie de Nazareth 

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