April 13 – Our Lady of Tears (Italy)

The Icon of Mary Mother of God (II)

José Munos (1) begged his hosts to sell him the icon that had moved him so. But they couldn’t sell it, as it was the first one that was painted there and it was in a way the patroness of the workshop.

During the night office, the monastic community sang the hymn to the Virgin Mary Axion estin (an important hymn in the Byzantine liturgy): It is truly right to bless thee, O Theotokos. José Munos bowed down and prayed to Our Lady for a long time. Peace returned to him. At dawn, he went down to the coast where a boat was waiting for him.

Suddenly he heard someone call his name, running after him—it was the superior of the monastery, bringing him the icon, duly wrapped. During the night, he had received an order in a dream. "This icon," he said, "will be a sign for the West." He refused all payment. It was a gift, also known as a grace.


(1) See A Moment with Mary of April 12, 2019

Olivier Clément

French writer, poet and theologian

France Catholique, May 30, 1986 issue

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