September 30 – Saint John Paul II dedicated a new basilica in Knock, Ireland, and gave a golden rose to the Virgin Mary (1979)

I would like you to pray the Rosary every day

As he greeted the Polish pilgrims in St Peter’s Square at the general audience of October 4, 2017, Pope Francis evoked the message that the Virgin Mary gave in her six apparitions in Fatima, 100 years ago: “I would like you to pray the Rosary every day.”

The Pope added: “To respond to her request, let us pray together for the Church, for the See of Peter, and for the intentions of the whole world.

Ask forgiveness for sins. Pray for the conversion of unbelievers, for those who reject God, and for the souls in Purgatory. All of you who pray the Rosary, I bless you with all my heart!”

Pope Francis’ intention for October, month of the Rosary, is to pray for the conversion of those who reject God.

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