September 22 - St Thomas of Villanova (d. 1555)

To contemplate the face of Christ with Mary

The center of our faith is Christ, Redeemer of the human person. Mary does not detract from him nor does she detract from his saving work. Assumed into heaven in body and soul, the Virgin Mary, the first to enjoy the fruits of the Passion and Resurrection of her own Son, is the One who in a sure way leads us to Christ, the final goal of our deeds and of our entire life. …

For the rigorous but very rich work of contemplating the face of Christ along with Mary, is there a better way than the praying of the Rosary? However, we need to rediscover the mystical depth contained in the simplicity of this prayer, so much loved by popular tradition.

This Marian prayer in its structure is in effect above all meditation on the mysteries of the life and work of Christ. Repeating the invocation of the Hail Mary, we can deepen our comprehension of the essential events of the mission of the Son of God on earth, that have been passed down to us by the Gospel and by Tradition.

Saint John Paul II, General Audience of October 16, 2002

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