September 20 – Our Lady of Itati (Argentina)

Since Jesus refused, Saint Philip turned to his Mother

In the year 1572, the Neapolitan scholar (Italy) Cesare Baronius, member of the Oratory, fell very seriously ill. He received the last sacraments and was expected to die at any time. But his superior and friend was Saint Philip Neri, who had a strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin.

Philip prayed for the life of his dear disciple. Baronius immediately fell into a pleasant sleep. In a dream, he saw his superior at the feet of the Savior and his Blessed Mother, asking them for his recovery in these terms: "Lord, give me Baronius! Give him back to me, I desire it, I want it!" Since Jesus refused, he turned to his Mother. Mary interceded for him, so he knew at once that his prayer had been answered.

At the same moment, Baronius awoke, knowing that he would not die of this illness. In fact, he recovered on the same day. In his Annales ecclesiastici, he writes about the life and teachings of his beloved spiritual father, Saint Philip Neri.

R. F. Rohrbacher, historian

From Le Chapelet des enfants (The Children’s Rosary) 

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