September 16 – Our Lady of Las Lajas (Colombia)

Belgium organizes a Rosary on the Borders

Following the centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, several countries across the world have launched recitations of national Rosaries on their borders.

Belgium is not ignoring these pleas of our Mother in Heaven and is also organizing a Rosary on the Borders on October 13, 2018, beginning at 3 pm. Participants will pray the Rosary along all the land or sea borders, or anywhere in the country or abroad with the intention of uniting their prayer to this event.

The Belgians will pray especially for a rebirth of the life of faith in Belgium, the grace to build a true culture of life, the conversion of sinners, peace in the hearts of all peoples and nations, and unity in the Church of Christ. The Rosary really is the most powerful peace initiative!

The Episcopal Conference of Belgium has been informed of this event, and Cardinal Josef De Kesel, Archbishop of the Diocese of Mechelen-Brussels, supports it in his prayers, encouraging everyone to sign up. The event is a response to the call of Cardinal Robert Sarah at this year's conference in Brussels:

"Be firm in your faith! Do not be drowned by today's world. Be in the world but not of the world. We must bring it to God. Do not be ashamed of the gospel. Let us be brave! Let us rouse our faith and our active support in faith for those who are persecuted." (Cardinal Robert Sarah, Our Lady of Stockel, February 2018).

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