September 10 – Holy Mary of Life (Italy, 1613)

The beautiful fruits of Our Lady of Walsingham

On Saturday, June 30, 2018, in Birmingham, England, eight priests were ordained for the personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. They received the priesthood from the hands of Bishop Bernard Longley at the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri, which houses the relics of Blessed John Henry Newman, the patron saint of the Ordinariate.

Established in January 2011, this personal Ordinariate brings together Anglicans who have joined Rome; they are Anglo-Catholics who have rejected the doctrinal and moral abuses that have plagued the Anglican communion since the 1970s. Its jurisdiction extends to England and Wales. The members of the Ordinariate use their own rite that draws from the liturgical and musical riches of English heritage.

The eight new priests have promised obedience to Bishop Keith Newton, the head of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. Two of the ordained priests were fully formed for the priesthood within the Ordinariate. Six other priests are former Anglican ministers who have decided to join the Ordinariate.

This is good news for this growing institution, and is a sure sign of vitality in the Catholic world.

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